Foundation Scholarship Recipient Completes Second Year


Tracking the progress of the next generation

Every year the Foundation provides a scholarship to a Drexel University medical student.

This scholarship was created by Maria Cerny Brabb, MD, WMC 1958, who made an endowment gift in 1999 to establish scholarship support for female students.

Currently, the foundation is supporting Sarah Barlow through all four years of her education.

In her recent letter to the board, she shared that she’s excited to be spending the year training at Wellspan York Hospital in York, Pennsylvania.

“The last year has been challenging but rewarding. I completed my summer research experience with the Philadelphia Cyberknife Center (radiation oncology) and presented my research at the Pennsylvania Society of Hematology/Oncology’s Annual Meeting, where I won first place poster presentation, and at Drexel Discovery Day.

“I also was invited to be an Academic Coach this year and spent 5-8 hours/week tutoring first year medical students in immunology, biochemistry, gross anatomy, and histology. I felt like this allowed me to study more effectively for my Step 1 board exam as it challenged me to review first year course material while I was learning year two material. I studied hard and took my first board exam on May 6, 2019.”

At Drexel, she co-founded an organization called Kelly Readers which allows students to volunteer in a local elementary school with kindergarteners. “I think our program is a great opportunity for medical students to gain understanding of social determinants of health, which ultimately allows physicians to better serve their patients.”

She also shared that the year challenged her: “It has challenged me more than I’ve ever been challenged previously, but I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the healthcare profession as a medical student. I am looking forward to (finally!) participating in patient care in the clinical years of my training. The experiences I’ve had this year, as well as the support of the Foundation, have enabled me to feel well-prepared for my clerkships.”

Sara is an MD candidate in the class of 2021. We will continue to follow her progress with enthusiasm.

“I’d like to again thank the Foundation for their support.”
